Monthly Archives: October 2016
Kyuwa Miwa: Tea bowl, Hagi type
Kyuwa Miwa 三輪 休和
1896 Born in Hagi, Yamaguchi prefecture. The second son of Setsudo Miwa Ⅸ.
1910 Began ceramics as family business.
1927 Succeeded to the name of Kyusetsu Ⅹ.
1942 Associated with Handeishi Kawakita.
1967 Handed the reigns of the family over to the younger brother, Setsuo.
Named himself as Kyuwa.
1970 Designated as a Living National Treasure.
1977 Passed away at the age of 86.
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(日本語) 三上 亮茶碗展を開催いたします。
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Toyo Kaneshige : Plate with a hand, Bizen type
Toyo Kaneshige 金重 陶陽
1896 Born in Bizen, Okayama prefecture.
1910 Began ceramics as a family business.
1930 Researched early Bizen.
Began reproduction of ceramics from Momoyama period.
1936 Met Handeishi Kawakita.
1939 Completed Hidasuki seen in Early Bizen style.
1949 Became a friend with Rosanjin Kitaoji.
1954 Joined in Tori kai.
1955 Organized Nihon Kogei kai (Japan Art Crafts Association) with Toyozo
Arakawa and Tokuro Kato.
1956 Designated as a Living National Treasure.
1960 Received Cultural award from Okayama prefecture.
1966 Received Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon.
1967 Passed away at the age of 71.
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