河井寛次郎 (1890~1966)
辰砂呉洲六角筒 w13.3×h17.7㎝ 共箱
河井寛次郎 辰砂呉洲六角筒のこと

Kawai Kanjiro: Hexagonal Cylinder
In many photographic collections introducing Kawai Kanjiro's works, such as the catalogue of a retrospective exhibition, few are sorted by chronological order of production or style, and in a sense, many are difficult to see.
In a sense, many of them are difficult to see, as few of them are sorted by chronological order of production or style.
The only one published by the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, is almost chronologically arranged, and I frequently return to it because it gives an easy-to-understand impression of Kanjiro's versatility.
Among the works in the catalogue, there is a type of work that does not appear on the art market, and I have longed to acquire it and display it in my shop someday.
The work introduced here is one of those long-awaited pieces.
There is no painting, which is Kanjiro's speciality, and it is simply painted in cinnabar and Kurezu red and blue.
When I saw it in photographs, I thought it was a piece with an indigenous folk art feel, but contrary to my expectations, it was modern and high-coloured.
It was made in 1940, at a time when Rosanjin was enthusiastic about copying old ceramics, and he was writing the character for 'good fortune' on the plate in underglaze blue.
This work by Kanjiro, which was available for the first time, was truly innovative compared to the works of his contemporaries, such as Itaya Hazan and Ishiguro Somaro, who worked hard to reproduce old ceramics.
銀座 黒田陶苑アネックス は、
ギンザ・シックス [ GSIX ] の真裏の三原通りに面する銀緑館の2階にあります。

【銀座 黒田陶苑アネックス】
11:00-19:00 毎週月曜日・定休
銀座 黒田陶苑では、東京都のガイドラインに準じて新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止に務めております。